What We Do

Promoting accountability, supporting victims of rape and other forms of domestic violence, and bringing about the independence of women and young is a huge task.

We support victims of rape or domestic violence by providing counselling, medical support and grants.

We advance the education of young people by making grants and awards to students in full-time education.

We advance the education of young children and women by sponsoring public awareness interventions in communities with low levels of education particularly for young children and females.

We encourage parents and communities to educate their children, by providing financial and material support for families wishing to enrol their children in schools.

We promote equality and diversity by raising awareness on the need for the elimination of discrimination in our institutions on the grounds of ethnicity, gender, race, disability, sexual orientation or religion.

We aid the preservation of life and protection of health of women and young persons through training in nutrition and exercise, through provision of health care facilities, by providing grants and relief materials in times of difficulties and/or following natural disasters.

We aid the prevention and relief of poverty among women and young people, by making grants to provide them with an opportunity to build capacity by establishing and growing a business to relieve their needs and help them to become independent and self-sufficient.

We promote public accountability, diversity and inclusion, and prevention of rape and sexual assaults

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